Friday, October 31, 2008

Kennel Contents 10/31/08

1. potholder
2. 22 ziploc quart size freezer bags
3. pajama bottoms, pink, mine
4. large stainless steel slotted spoon
5. copious amounts of pooh


I used to love halloween as a kid. I dont know why, I always had the absolute lamest costumes. One year my mom rubbed fireplace ashes on my face and said I was a hobo. Thanks mom. Now as I walk through walmart looking at the plastic costume I realized I dont miss Halloween. I hate growing up. It really sucks.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Kennel contents

1. 2 socks, not matching
2. a piece of blue wood that goes to my calender frame
3. 6 empty 12oz Pepsi bottles
4. 1 toilet brush

You don't even know my name

I very rarely call my husband by his given name. Usually I call him Bird. I have no idea why, it just feels right. I also call him boogy, again for no apparent reason. Now his friends are starting to call him bird, or birdie. My hubby is awesome. He is 42 years old. He drives tractor trailers for a living. He hunts rabbits with our dogs. He is one of the smartest people I know. This year he has decided to go back to college. I could not be more proud of him. Right now he is just taking one class, an online basic math course, through our local community college. He is doing amazing, especially since he has not had a math class in about thiry years. I took a look at his high school transcript when he applied to college. He had english, metal shop, wood shop, 2 semesters of CERAMICS, and 2 semesters of home economics. Apparently if you graduated in 1983 it was more important to make an ashtray than to be able to solve for x. So this math course he is taking is self paced and pretty muh self taught. I think its wicked cool that he is teaching himself algebra, fractions, and all that other good stuff. His avererage is a 98, wicked eh? He will be taking more classes this spring term. When I get my RN( hopefully in 2010) he will be able to go to school full time. He wants to do something with the environment.

I am a full time first year nursing student. It scared the bejesus out of me to go back to school at my age, but I love it. I am doing very well in all my classes. Last year I took all my prerequisites(statistics, psych, english 101 &102, developmental psych, sociology...) I had a 4.0 average. I was so proud of myself. This year is a little harder, but that just means I have to work a little harder.

For the last 2 months Bird has been out of work. To make a long story even longer, he had frost bitten his fingers a few years ago and now they are very susceptible to the cold. Well one day in June he was working down in New Jersey and it was about 100 degrees. He cranked up the air conditioning in he his truck and held his hand in front of it. The next day one of his fingers started to fester. It was pure agony for him, he couldnt sleep, he couldnt work, he just hurt. The first doctor we went to gave him Silvadene to put on it. This just made his finger worse, the flesh sloughed off down to the bone. This went on for a month, he went to a plastic surgeon who wanted to cut the top of the finger off. Finally we found a wound clinic and it started to heal. It still hasnt totally healed, but he is back to work. He missed 2 months of work. We spent a lot of time together. So he went back to work last week, and I had been trying to study for an anatomy&physiology and a nursing test. The problem was that he was home and every time I cracked open a book to study, his mouth would open. It was uncanny. But I love him anyways, and would not have him any other way

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

kennel Contents

Today in the kennel I found

1. 1 flipflop

2. raspberry newton package (empty)

3.empty water bottle

4. pencil

5. old collar (red)

Names, and Action Jackson

So, back to more about the animals. As I haved stated earlier I have 9 dogs,3 cats and 1 husband. The dogs names are Clarence, Clementine, Agnes, Beauford, Louise, Dolly,Cletus, Clyde, and Hubert. The cats are Cheekychacha, Elvis, and Jack(action jackson). I cant figure Jack the cat out yet, he is still a baby. He either loves my husband or hates him, I just cant tell. Jack sleeps on hubbys neck, I dont know if its out of affection or Jack is hoping to smother hubby in his sleep. Jack will also leap from whatever surface he is on to perch on hubbys shoulder. Unfortunately Jack has bad aim and usually has to claw his way up my husbands back. While I find this humorous, my hubby not so much. Jack also tries to steal food from him, but not from me. My husband is not fond of sharing anything food related. I think Jack loves him. Hubby thinks Jack is trying to kill him

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Dad

I feel like I should tell more about myself and how I live. I have been married to my husband for 7 years. He is the best friend I have, thats not really saying much because I dont really have any friends( beside him). The contacts list on my cell phone is woefully short.Most of the people we socialize with are friends my hubby has had forever. I brought no friends to this relationship.

I have a hard time making friends because I tend to be condescending and sarcastic. I swear its not intentional, but thats how I come off.

My family leave much to be desired. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am the baby of the family, and there is quite an age difference between most of us. My sister is 17 years older than me. my brothers are 37,42, and 45 I think. I adore my eldest brother, but dont get to see him very often. He lives in Nebraska. My other 2 brothers live about 20 miles away, but they are ginormous buttheads and I dont speak with them. My sister lives in Tennessee, but she is a crack/meth head/alcoholic/ dirtbag. I would talk to her, but she usually doesnt pay her phone bill.

My mom died in 2007, she was the glue that held our family together. She died suddenly, pulmonary embolism, it was a surprise to everyone. We figured my dad would die first, but he is healthy as a horse. I talk to him every day, which is kinda boring because its always the same conversation. But, I love him and he can be very entertaining. He is starting to check out the ladies, I am all for him dating, but I dont think he understands women anymore. Let me explain.My mother was VERY beautiful (I do not look like her,too bad for me). When my parents met my dad was in his late 30s and wicked fun, Cornell educated, and quite the party animal. Whats not to love. Now, hes 74, has about 9 teeth left, sparse grey hair, and a crotchety old man attitude. He is checking out women in their fifties and forties and comparing them to my mom. Most women he sees on his weekly trip to walmarts or the pharmacy are either "too old" or "too fat". I keep trying to tell to lower his standards, but I might as well talk to a brick wall. I love my dad.


I love reading other blogs and decided wtf maybe I can do it too. After all did pass English composition at the Community College level. Grammar has never been my strong point, but I am far too impatient to go back and check for errors. Although, in my possesion is the HOLY GRAIL of grammar primers. Its called Grammar for Dummies, and as you can tell it is in pristine shape, having never been used.

Anyhoo, since this is my first post I will tell you all the dirty little secrets of my life. I am 34 years old( 238 in dog years). I live in a small town in central New York that is brimming with white trash. I also happen to be white trash for the following reasons

1. I have more than 2 vehicles in my yard that do not work.

2. My house has no siding

3. My lawn has been mown 2x this summer as of this post (more on that later)

4. My hubby and I have a feud with a neighbor that rivals the Hatfields & McCoys

5. I have 9 dogs, not cute little lap dogs either, I have 9 HOUND DOGS

These are just some of the reasons I have transformed from a nice Catholic school girl into the white trash princess I have become.

Well anyway, back to more about ME. I decided to go back to school last year to pursure my lifelong dream of being gainfully employed.

I am enrolled at the local 13th grade, I mean community college in their program to become a Registered Nurse.

Scary huh

As I have stated earlier I have 9 dogs. I have 1 beagle, 1 beagle mix, 2 adult Basset Bleu de Gascogne, 4 Basset Bleu de Gascogne puppies, and 1 BBdG/Beagle mix( there was an incident)

They all live with us in the house, most sleep in our bed. They also have access to our yard via a doggie door in the side of our house. The doggie door opens into a 10ft x 20 ft kennel, which we can open or close at our discretion. Our yard is fenced with and electric cow fence, not one of those underground fences. The under ground fence works great if you have pets that dont really want to leave your yard. Our dogs are scenthounds, they put their nose to the ground and take off running. We tried the underground fence. The lovely gentleman installed it and trained our beagle to be suitably deferent to the beeping collar. We thought we had it made. Then when the lovely gentleman left us with a properly trained beagle, we were delighted. This joy lasted about 3 days. Clarence( the beagle mix) spotted a vicious, man eating rabbit. Clarence ran through the underground fence, collar beeping, and gave my husband and I the finger as he chased said rabbit around the neighborhood for about 6 hours. Apparently the mild shock he got from the fence just added to his super canine strength. The underground fence people cheerfully refunded our money.

I digress. Right now we keep the kennel door closed because of the puppies. Until they are trained on the new fence we need to keep them contained. Every morning I go out to the kennel to clean the copious amount of dog doodie that appear, put down fresh hay, and just do a general cleaning of the kennel. Every day I am greeted by a new surprise.

Today in the kennel I found:
1. 2 pairs of underpants, mine not my husbands. Apparently his are not delicious
2. a pencil sharpener
3. my cell phone